
Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Day at the Movies.

Back years ago my cousin was taking care of me and another cousin while my mother was at work. She could not have been more than 12 at the time and my other cousin and me were slightly younger, me being the youngest. It was one of those warm summer days that all windows and doors were wide open, so walking by the house you could see all the way through the house into the backyard. We did worry about people stealing things in those days. Even if they did steal something about all you had for some one to take was a radio and a little food. It was a much simpler time. Anyway on this day we decided to go down town to the movies, so we walked 1/2 mile or so to Market Street to catch the city bus downtown. Me and my 2 girl cousins in all our wisdom settled on a horror show. Don't remember the name or which movie house it was showing. We only had 3 theaters then, the Manor, Colony and the Bailey. I don't remember anything being thrown from a balcony, so it may have been showing at the Manor since the Manor was the only one that didn't have a balcony. After being scared half to death we got back on the bus for a ride back to what at that time was the last street in the city. Got off the bus a Brock's Grocery and walked the half mile back to my house. This is were the problem surfaced. Being a warm summer day we had left the doors and windows open so that anyone that wanted to could walk in. Nothing unusual about that, except after the movie there was one problem. Who was going into the house first? We all knew the first one in would die, because one of the movies killers had to be hiding in the house somewhere. My 2 older cousins being girls certainty were not brave enough to go in first and me being the only boy was way to smart to go in. So here we are standing on the front porch not knowing what to do. I'm not sure which one of us came up with the smartest solution, but we all settled on waiting for my mother to come home from work and let her go in first. We all knew that mother's can whip any movie monster. So here we were, the 3 of us, setting safely on the porch when my mother came home. She went in the house and got rid of the monsters and killers. After the all clear we went in and had a supper of fried squash and pinto beans.

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