More proof that it isn't getting any warmer. This picture was taken 10 January 2011, except for the some missing trees it could have been shot in the 50's. I remember many a cold January and many a warm one also. Our area seems to run in 10 year cycles. The only white Christmas I remember her in Wilmington was in 1989. This road is in the middle of town now but back in the 50s it was the edge of Wilmington. new compared to me.It was completed in the late 1970s. Many times us kids would catch rides on the train that ran near by Mercer Avenue where I lived. The frieght trains ran through the city from the rail class yard on the northside around the edge of town and then to the State Port on the southside of town close to where this picture was taken. It was easy for us kids to catch a slow moving train and ride a short distance to another part of town. Tom Sawyer had his Mississippi and I had my Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. You did have to be careful not to catch it out past Kerr Avenue or you might wind up in Jacksonville, NC 50 miles north. Glad to say that never happened, but it sure would have made a good story.
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