Lighter than air is a te
rm that is used for a type aircraft that was once used and is seldom seen these days except at races and ball games. In the 50's the US Navy still used Blimps to patrol the coast. They would fly in low over the coast, low enough at times you could wave at the crew and they would wave back. Most of us are familiar with the with the Goodyear Blimp, but the Goodyear Blimps of today are much smaller versions of the large ZPG ships that the Navy flew. Some as long as 350 feet. They would fly between Weekville Air Station and Florida. Weeksvile I just outside of an d a few miles from Tthe US Coast Guard Air Station at Elizabeth City , NC. The still service the smaller blimps in the remaining hanger. Sure miss the sight of them lumbering along the coast at 50 or 60 knots.
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